The Dr. Jules Plant-Based Podcast
Hey, I’m Dr. Jules! I’m a medical doctor, teacher, nutritionist, naturopath, plant-based dad and 3X world championships qualified athlete. On this podcast we’ll discuss the latest in evidence-based and plant-based nutrition, including common nutrition myths, FAQs and tips on how to transition towards a healthier dietary pattern and lifestyle that creates little friction with your busy life!
57 episodes
Les défis de la vie plant-based: une conversation avec Mélissa, ma conjointe Ninja
Bienvenue à la première épisode de la 2e saison de mon podcast! N'oubliez que la première saison contient 55 épisodes de contenu lié à la nutrition, l'exercice ainsi que la médecine du mode de vie!Durant cet épisode, je discuterai des d...
Season 2
Episode 56
Cosser T’en Penses? Nuances, exagérations et manipulations de la science
J'ai eu le plaisir d'apparaitre pour une 3e fois sur le podcast acadien "Cosser T'en Penses?" avec mes amis Frank et Lee.Durant cet épisode, qui sera la dernière de 2024 et la 55e de l'année, on parlera des nuances en nutrition, des exa...
Season 1
Episode 55
Les ados sont curieux par rapport aux habitudes de vie saines!
Êtes-vous un adolescent francophone, ou le parent d’un ou une? Connaissez-vous les sujets qui préoccupent plusieurs de nos ados?Si oui, cet épisode pourrait être pour vous!J’ai récemment eu le plaisir de collaborer ...
Season 1
Episode 54
Stop stepping over dollars to pick up pennies
Online influencers praise and sell their health hacks to vulnerable individuals. They prey on people’s fears and create problems in order to sell them the solution. Although biohacks seem sexy, their impact on long term health are eclipsed by t...
Season 1
Episode 53
Everything in Moderation?
People often use the slogan « Everything in Moderation » to either justify unhealthy habits, or to fear monger others. One of my patients was scared of the radiation from a mammogram, while walking around with an LDL-C of 5.2.She refuse...
Season 1
Episode 52
Les paramètres anthropométriques, la TA, le poids et le sommeil
Connaissez vous vos chiffres? Votre TA, votre poids, vos paramètres de pouls cardiaque ou même la quantité et qualité de votre sommeil vont prédire et influencer grandement votre santé au long terme.Connaissez vous vos paramètres?
Season 1
Episode 51
Connaissez vous vos chiffres ? Les paramètres sanguins à connaître
La plupart des gens connaissent leur taux d’hypothèque, le coût de l’essence et les taux d’intérêt de leurs cartes de crédit, mais ne connaissent pas les chiffres qui prédisent le plus leurs taux de maladies chroniques et leur mortalité. <...
Season 1
Episode 50
Superfood Secrets: Turmeric, The Golden Spice
Have you ever heard of turmeric, the golden yellow spice that supposedly has many health claims, like accelerated healing, treating inflammation and reversing auto-immune conditions? Is this hype or evidence based? Since it costs pe...
Season 1
Episode 49
Changing Is Hard: Must Knows Before Attempting Lifestyle Changes
The vast majority of us aren't born plant-based. Something triggered an AHA moment for some, while for others, it was a long and reflected journey. Even after transitioning to a plant-based l...
Season 1
Episode 48
Are Fake Meats Healthy?
Over the last decade, there's been a steady rise in the availability and popularity of plant-based meats. But are they really healthier than what they're trying to replace? Are they better for the environment? ...
Season 1
Episode 47
The Keto Diet
This one says to eat according to your blood type, while that one recommends eating like cavemen. In 2013, the Paleo diet was the most googled diet out there. Did anyone tell the Paleos that cavemen barely lived to thirty? Wha...
Season 1
Episode 46
Gut Health 101: Cramps, bloating, IBS, FODMAPS, Gluten
Have you ever experienced bloating, abdominal cramping, pain or distention? Do you consider yourself sensitive or intolerant to certain foods? Do you avoid eating foods that you know are healthy, simply because they cause abdominal ...
Season 1
Episode 45
La santé de l’homme et les plus grands tueurs
Les maladies cardiovasculaires, ainsi que le cancer du colon et de la prostate sont parmi les plus grands tueurs chez l’homme. Heureusement que plusieurs des facteurs de risque qui contribuent à ces maladies sont potentiellement modifiables par...
Season 1
Episode 44
Coconuts, Coconut Milk, Water & Oil: Healthy or Hype?
No single food has been as glorified or as vilified as coconuts and all its variations. What to make of whole coconuts, coconut water, coconut milk or coconut oil? Some swear by their m...
Season 1
Episode 43
My Top Tips For Those Curious About Transitioning To A Plant-Based Diet
For generations, we've known that plant-based dietary patterns were more ethical. Then we started to notice how our food system was harming the environment and using finite resources irresponsibly. Now, thanks to over 20 000 studies getti...
Season 1
Episode 42
Cheers: The Health Implications Of Alcohol
I assume you've heard the age old saying that red wine is great for your heart. Some would even go as far as saying that some types of alcohol are useful for many other health conditions. Have we been down-playing th...
Season 1
Episode 41
The Pros and Cons of Dairy
We've always been told that milk helps you grow up to become strong and healthy, yet when we study the longest living and healthiest populations on the planet, we quickly notice that most don't consume the milk of other species....
Season 1
Episode 40
Soy Myths Debunked
After 15 years of medical practice and thousands of questions regarding nutrition, this is my favorite one: "is soy healthy?". Why did soy get such a bad reputation? Why do some actual real life medical doctors disco...
Season 1
Episode 39
Le Foie Gras - La stéatose hépatique
Avez déjà entendu parler du fatty liver, le foie gras ou bien la steatose hépatique? Cette condition médicale fait partie de l’ensemble des maladies chroniques qui font parti du spectrum des maladies métaboliques, comme la résistance à l’insuli...
Season 1
Episode 38
Managing Blood Pressure With Food And Lifestyle
High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a major risk factor for our first killer worldwide, cardiovascular disease. Although no one is pretending that eating a stalk of celery will impact blood pressure the same way that pharmacologic...
Season 1
Episode 37
The Paleo Diet
The paleo diet gets a lot of things right. It tells you to ditch candy bars, doughnuts and processed junk. That's where we can agree. But here's where we don't. "Eat like a caveman" is the premise of this dietary pattern...
Season 1
Episode 36
Superfood Secrets: Kombucha, Potion or Poison?
I personally enjoy drinking kombucha! It contains beneficial bacteria, yeast, organic acids, vitamins and polyphenols. Although this drink is a type of carbonated tea that has been consumed around the world for thousands of...
Season 1
Episode 35
Frozen Produce Versus Conventional: Which One Is Healthier?
If I've asked myself this question, I might assume someone else has too. Do fruits and veggies lose nutrients when frozen? Is the fresh version healthier? Often, I fail to eat all the produce I've bought. I honestly desp...
Season 1
Episode 34
Votre métabolisme, son dysfonctionnement et son lien avec le diabète
Saviez vous que les changements métaboliques qui mènent au diabète peuvent être dépistés longtemps avant le diagnostique? Saviez vous que la dysfontion métabolique existe sur un spectrum et que nous avons pas besoin d'attendre qu'il soit trop t...
Season 1
Episode 33
Superfood Secrets: Nutritional Yeast and Vitamin B12
Before I started my plant-based journey, I had no clue what nutritional yeast was or the benefits it could provide. Now, I use it regularly in sauces, soups and stir-frys. I sprinkle it on salads, mashed potatoes, rice, vegetables a...
Season 1
Episode 32